Friday, June 27, 2008

Good morning

Well it's 5:00 am and I just got home. It was a long night tonight. Too bad. The other analysts and interns went out to say goodbye to the leaving second-years, but I had to stay and work until 4:30. I'll write more about it tomorrow, but for now I'm going to bed!


Unknown said...

I can relate to you man....keep it up!

Jeff said...

Good work, man. About the comment you made a few days ago about female bankers, I know a woman in private placements who is married, but doesn't have a family. She's an analyst, though. So, there are some, but certainly not many...

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work! Your blog is very entertaining and informative.

Gary Wong said...

Hello, nice to meet you. I first found your blog while I was doing one of the google-searches in a weekly basis on investment banking industry. I am really glad to know more about your summer internship because I do not come from one of the IBD targeted-schools in Canada and I have been thinking of transferring to one of the top ones (but that will cost me 4 times more in tuition).. I am pretty sure I will end up making a move to transfer because I really want to be a part in the industry, esp. working under pressure with high returns. I know it sounds a bit weird but this is what I'd love to pursue.

Anyways it'll be great if you can give me some advice on the transfer matter, and I hope you'll receive an offer in the end of your penultimate year.



Gary -

I think it's a great idea to switch if you want. Being at a core school makes life a lot easier as far as recruiting goes, especially in tough markets.